Muslim Wedding in Ipoh Malaysia

Muslim Wedding in Ipoh, Malaysia | Azni & Ery

This wedding in Malaysia is a long-awaited one after meeting the bride’s sister at another wedding photography assignment in Penang a few months before the event. They’ve decided to fly me back to Ipoh, about 3 hours drive from Kuala Lumpur. Azny grew up in Ipoh and Ery is from Penang Island on the west coast. The solemnization was hold at the mosque near Azny’s family house and festivities lasted over two days. Eating, singing, praying! A simple yet super elegant and photogenic muslim wedding

Muslim bride and groom seating on the stage and looking at each other as covered by Wedding Photographer Malaysia

Muslim wedding reception in Ipoh documented by Wedding Photographer Malaysia. The geometry of the bright blue works well here.

Muslim bride getting ready in Ipoh Malaysia. Shot by Wedding Photographer Malaysia Christophe Viseux

Bride and groom on the stage surrounded by the two witnesses. This moment is a bit formal with people coming by to take photograph.

Sister of the bride having a good laugh at the Mosque in Ipoh Malaysia.

The groom is listening to the blessing at the Mosque during the religious service.

The night before the wedding, lectures and singing are orgazined the celebrate the bride. This is more some kind of ladies night.

Muslim bride at the mosque for the wedding in Malaysia. She is kissing the hand of the husband in Ipoh Malaysia

At the mosque on the men side for the wedding near Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.

Auntie tearing up when she is greeting the groom at the end of the religious ceremony.

Close up of arabic writing during the night of lectures and singing.

The groom is getting emotional. He takes the hands of the guest on his face as a sign of recognition. Captured by Wedding Photographer Malaysia

Wedding Photographer Malaysia

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